As of May 8th 2021, TradeHub has affiliated with First Clearing (trade name of Wells Fargo Clearing Services). First Clearing is a top-tier Broker-Dealer clearing firm and Investment Advisor custodian. According to Curt Fox, President, “Moving our business to a large and service-driven firm such as First Clearing enables us to become instantly competitive with large independent brokerages and investment advisor firms.”
For our clients, this means a web-based solution for viewing account activity, by household or individual account, access to activity and position reports, monthly statements, and tax documents.
For our Finacial Professionals, this clearing firm upgrade means better customer reports, a comprehensive and custom workstation environment with many more investment products and services than the firm has had access to with previous clearing platforms.
If you are an existing or prospective client and have questions about this transition, please contact your Finacial Advisor or call/whatsapp online support agent at 1-925-725-6521.