TradeHub Securities has been helping the seasoned broker become independent since 1990. With deep roots in the brokerage industry, TradeHub is an employee-owned firm built for the experienced broker who values both stability and independence. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, TradeHub's independent broker network spans the entire country, serving clients from metropolitan hubs to remote small town locations.
Today TradeHub is proud to be employee-owned with more than 50 percent of the firm owned by our brokers, employees, and management personnel.
Founded by former officers of Baker, Watts & Co. Inc., TradeHub is guided by a 7-person unpaid Board of Directors, which includes five retail brokers. The other two board members are Co-CEOs and both have retail books of business. Our management team supports the seasoned, independent broker with around-the-clock service, advanced technology systems, market freedom to manage their own practices, and a client-centered approach to doing business.